You might have driven by Central Point Elementary School or Crater High School recently and wondered - what are those modular classrooms doing there?
The good news? They are temporary and the reason they are there is D6 is using these temporary modulars as part of the 2019 Bond program to make our schools safer, healthier and better places to learn and grow.
The timing for school construction and renovation projects can be difficult when work is restricted to “no school” periods such as summer and winter break when buildings are vacant. To overcome this hurdle the District has identified ways to phase bond projects at certain schools, allowing work to be completed during the school year. With this phased approach, classrooms can be temporarily relocated to modular buildings while work is conducted and projects can remain on time.
This is the case for both Crater High School and Central Point Elementary, where modular buildings will be used as temporary alternative classroom space while bond projects are completed.
Crater HS
At Crater High School, we will be conducting extensive mechanical, plumbing, and electrical upgrades with work occurring throughout the majority of the school. Six double classroom modulars will be used while each wing of the school is under construction as a temporary measure to ensure as little disruption as possible. As each wing of the school enters construction, every teacher in that wing and their classroom will be moved into a modular for 3-4 months. Two of the modulars will be placed on the southwest side of the campus near the science building and four will be placed on the east side of the campus. We are working with the city to appropriately place these Modulars. The work is expected to be completed by December 2023 and the modulars will be removed from the campus at that time. We appreciate the patience and partnership of our CHS team with this process.
Central Point ES/Rogue Primary School
The Rogue Primary School project timeline has been affected by recent supply chain issues. Due to these delays, RPS will begin the school year in an alternate site at Central Point Elementary. Two double classroom modulars will be temporarily placed at CPE as an alternative home for RPS. Central Point Elementary was a natural fit for a temporary home due to its close proximity and capacity with additional space. Although RPS students and staff will have their own pickup and drop-off areas, some common spaces of the school like the gym and cafeteria will be shared. Both principals are working together to ensure the master schedule accommodates everyone's needs. The District Office, which is also nearby, will serve as additional space for Rogue Primary’s front office, conference space, and teacher workroom. As soon as RPS opens, the modulars will be removed from Central Point Elementary. We truly are thankful to the CPE team for sharing their home with Rogue Primary.
We know that these unique circumstances are not ideal, but a way for us to work together through momentary space issues so that all D6 kids can continue instruction in a supportive environment.
We’re thankful for the opportunity that Central Point voters gave us to provide much needed upgrades to our schools and even more thankful for the patience and partnership of our students, families, and staff.
If you have any questions around the bond projects, please do not hesitate to reach out to the district’s Bond Program Manager, Spencer Davenport.