Every school in the District now has new interior and exterior door locks

When the schools in Central Point were initially built the only way to lock class-room doors was from the outside using a key. These locks were used as a way to keep the “valuables” in each classroom secure. Today, when people think about school security, no one is worrying about securing pens and computers but rather, about keeping students and staff safe.Over the past two years, the Central Point School District worked with lo-cal Medford companies Bell Hardware (hardware design and installation) and Aladdin Hardware (locks and keying) to install new handles, locks, and other se-curity improvements on doors at almost every school in the District.In all, 1442 new door locks and sets of hardware installed.
“I’m so happy that our community is willing to support safety updates in our buildings,” said Christine Beck, Director or of Education. “Knowing that every classroom can quickly be secured makes it easier for our teachers to focus on teaching and less about how they would secure their doors in an emer-gency.”Beyond making classrooms more secure, the new locks are also ADA compliant, easily re-keyed and can be integrated into future and ongoing security improvements.